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Paket Hufanatomie L


6. Auflage Hufanatomie - Ringbuch englisch

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Hufanatomie 2-seitiger Druck auf Plastikfolie

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Gefäßversorgung Pferdehuf Druck Acryl

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Present how alive the hoof is inside the horn capsule. Get a better understanding of the hoof anatomy and pathology. Show that you are a hoof expert.

This package includes everything from hands-on educational material to decorative art under acrylic.

  • a real plastinated horse hoof section,
  • the hoof anatomy image booklet,
  • the hoof vascularisation image under acrylic and
  • a double-sided water-proof plastic film image print of a hoof sagittal section and a hoof blood vessel cast.

All in one hoof anatomy package offer.

Out of stock? Please try again in a few hours. We will restock immediately.

Find detailed information about the applied plastination and anatomical preparation techniques in the AHE Special Issue about Plastination or at www.plastinate.com.